
Service Notice

In order to establish a platform for learning, creation and communication, and to create a cross-domain cooperation space, the National Central Library (hereinafter referred to as the Library) has specially constructed the Open Lab Multimedia Center (hereinafter referred to as the Center) as a demonstration base for technology application and innovation experiments.

Opening Hours

Tuesday to Saturday Sunday Closed
9:00-21:00 9:00-17:00 Closed on Mondays and national holidays


  1. Those over 6 years old are free to apply for Open Lab Card. The application for Open Lab Card shall be handled in accordance with the "Instructions for Open Lab Card Application of the Open Lab Multimedia Center, NCL".
  2. Either a library card of NCL or Open Lab Card is required for entrance to the center during opening hours. Children under the age of 6 must be accompanied by their parents.

Use of Library Materials

  1. A maximum of 5 books (pieces) can be borrowed per card, and the loan period of each book (piece) is 14 days. For closed stacks request, a maximum of 5 books and 3 pieces of audiovisual materials can be requested at a time per card. For remote book request, a maximum of 10 books and 6 audiovisual materials can be requested at a time per card.
  2. The borrowed library materials must be returned within the time limit. The borrowing right will be suspended if the library materials are overdue. One day of overdue for each book is converted into one day of suspension, and the upper limit of suspension is 60 days.
  3. Other notices shall be handled in accordance with the "Instructions for Borrowing Library Materials of the Open Lab Multimedia Center, NCL".

Spaces and Facilities

  1. Online reservation or on-site registration are both available.
  2. A maximum of 4 time slots can be selected for the same space within 7 days per Open Lab Card; a maximum of 2 time slots can be selected per day; only one space or facility can be reserved for the same time slot.
  3. Other notices shall be handled in accordance with the "Instructions for Use of Spaces and Facilities of the Open Lab Multimedia Center, NCL".

Group Guided Tour Service

  1. Group guided tour service is available for groups of 3 or more.
  2. The center will arrange a dedicated person to take the group on a guided tour according to the content of the application.
  3. Other notices shall be handled in accordance with the "Instructions for Group Guided Tour Services of the Open Lab Multimedia Center, NCL".


  1. Library materials, facilities, and equipment shall be used correctly according to the instructions. If any problem is found, the center staff shall be notified immediately.
  2. If you need to eat or drink, please proceed to the Tea Break Area and maintain a clean and comfortable environment.
  3. Please cherish library materials, spaces, facilities and equipment and abide by intellectual property rights.
  4. If the center has a need to hold activities, the center may notify the users in advance to change their reservation time.

These instructions are issued and implemented after being approved by the library affairs meeting, and the same shall apply to amendments.